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12 Birthstones and the Birth Months:

Birthstones are precious and semi-precious stones that individuals decide to accent on a pendant that adds aesthetic value and overall charm to the design. Each stone represents the traits of a birth month. The following are the 12 months:January: Garnet Red represents January for a custom birthstone necklace for mom.
February: Amethyst commemorates February.
March: Add Aquamarine stone for March.
April: Get a Diamond for April.
May: Emerald represents May.
June: Alexandrite is a great gemstone for June.
July: Premium Ruby gemstone goes for July birthdays.
August: Peridot is perfect for everyone who came into this world in August.
September: Add a delicate Sapphire stud to the necklace for September born.
October: Pink Tourmaline is perfect for everyone who is born in October.
November: Yellow Topaz represents the traits of November.
December: Get Blue Zircon if you are a December Born.
Add multiple Kids Birthstones for a timeless look: Our mom's birthstone necklace is a stylish piece that adds value to your look. Add more than one stone on a custom birthstone necklace for mom to symbolize each of your loved ones, creating a meaningful and elegant accessory that tells your unique family story.

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