The eleventh zodiac sign, a simple graphic that resembles water ripples representing new beginnings, corresponds to Aquarius. People born between January 20th to February 18th are represented by this sign and will want to wear the Aquarius pendant will pride.This air zodiac sign necklace comes in lengths like 14", 16", 18". 20" and 22" for you to pick which one goes best with you. It also comes in different tones like silver, gold plated and rose plated, is a circular engraved pendant.At a Glance
Aquarius astrological zodiac pendant is for those humanitarian, philanthropic, and keenly interested in making the world a better place. They like to make the world work better.Who wears it?You have to get it, is a must that you will want to wear all the Aquarius season and the rest of the year. Makes a great present for any Aquarius of any age!